Destinations: Berlin

We love Berlin and usually visit this wonderful city at least twice year. Below are some of the highlights from our most recent trip. 


 “TheDive is an idea. TheDive is a corporation. TheDive is part of a community.” This is how TheDive presents itself on its homepage. We took the chance to meet co-founder Dr. Simon Berkler in Berlin und got to know the corporation including Base1. Next to an informative talk, we discovered new tools which we are keen on implementing in our office.

Also you should check out their magazine “Neue Narrative”. It is an one of a kind magazine about the new way of economics and work. Each magazine includes a hollistic view on the main topic of the issue: The first issue about power explores not only the definition of the term itself, but provides insights into actual implemented examples and gender issues. The way the reader is included is a divine experience we totally recommend!

Gloria and Verena at the Dive 

Red lab

Young and dynamic – that is the team behind the Red lab. We were invited to their divine working space in Berlin and used this opportunity to explore the facility and the various trendy products displayed. 

A sneak peak into the beautiful office of Red lab.

Mr. Susan

Mr. Susan is our new favourite cocktail bar in Berlin Mitte. It has everything we love: delicious cocktails, beautiful design, inspiring atmosphere and of course, friendly service. The owner Susan Choi took care of every little detail and as a result, the bar fully reflects her personality. You have to check Mr. Susan not only to try innovative unexpected flavour combinations but also to see the wallpaper in the back  They also have themed evenings like California Dreamin’ or Mezcal & Tequila Night from time to time. Cheers!

Mr. Susan’s design is one of the many reasons to visit this bar. Picture from

Written by Gloria Fachinger and Olga Bratsun