Remote Engagement

“When shit happens, turn it into fertilizer.”

Covid-19 has turned our way of working upside down, literally overnight. Employees work from home, sales forces are grounded and business has almost completely shifted to a virtual environment. 

How can we engage with our customers in times of social distancing? 
How can we remotely leverage our employees’ ideas to tackle challenges arising from the Corona Crisis?

Our solutions:

#1_Virtual co-creation sessions
Now is the time for new solutions. The challenge is to involve customers quickly in the creation and testing of new ideas. 

Remote workshop-sessions with customer panels to create & iterate new products & services are a quick and cost-effective way of achieving the desired results. 

We use a combination of 2 virtual tools, &, to create an appealing experience for the participants while maximizing output.

#2_Remote innovation challenges

With employees working from home, the challenge is to keep them engaged and motivated, as well as to leverage their creative thinking.

Remote innovation challenges where employees can share their ideas on how to address issues arising from the crisis, are a fantastic tool to achieve all of the above.

We can help you define the challenge, create easy-to-use idea template and curate the idea evaluation and selection.

How to set it up:

Let’s schedule a remote meeting to discuss your current situation and we will place a customized offer within 24 hours.