In this month’s “Start-Up made in Austria” we want to introduce you to the Viennese start-up “rapid user feedback“. We have met them at the Austrian Innovation Forum 2020 and reached out to them later on.

What does rapid user feedback do?

Rapid user feedback tests the usability, user experience and acceptance of users on apps, platforms, hardware, software and games. We are working with early-state prototypes as well as mature products which need to be developed further on. We have our own user-lab in which we invite our test-users. In order to generate real insights and results we pay a lot of attention to developing an as natural as possible testing-environment. Our research-activities consist of interviews, workshops and user tests. We are also a company that does a lot of research. We are for example working on a method that quantifies and measures perceived product quality and user experience.

When was your company founded? What were the biggest challenges to overcome then and what are now?

We were founded at the beginning of 2020. The biggest challenges on the one hand lied in the fact that our fields of research are quite complex and we continuously and critically reflect our way we communicate our results. On the other hand, our business strategy is divided into two segments: in-house research and providing services to our clients. Fulfilling both in a rather small team is a challenge.

How was the idea born?

We knew that there were many tools to measure product-quality and UX (user experience). However, we didn’t find a product that fits the needs of customers. Fast and reliable processes to measure user feedback can’t be found on the market right now. User research in general is currently offered only by a handful of companies.

Who is behind the Start-Up?

Marco della Schiava, a business economist with affinity for design and technology and Marc Busch, a psychologist who is highly interested in statistical methods and research.

Who are your customers?

We are working with big international companies as well as established SMEs or start-ups.

What is your business model?

We generate our revenue through consulting and different kinds of services in the fields of user research: We do interviews, user tests and workshops with test-users about new digital products. This enables us to finance our in-house research for which we also apply for federal research funding.

How did your start-up grow?

Right now, we are 3 full-time working people at rapid user feedback.

What are you working on right now?

We are currently developing new exciting contexts for our research topics: At the moment, we are interested in opportunities to use digital tools in cleanrooms (rooms which are mostly particle-free and used in production processes).

How do you see your future? Which goals do you pursue?

We not only want to collect information about the needs and requirements of young and middle-aged users but also pursue the goal to include elders and people who are not used to technology in the developing process of digital products. We are currently building a network of organizations and companies in order to make this possible.

What should one know about entrepreneurship in Austria?

There are many helpful offerings, info events and workshops by the Wirtschaftskammer or Wirtschaftsagentur Wien (for Viennese firms). Austria offers a good ecosystem for entrepreneurs. However, one should consider delays and waiting times during the founding process.

Do you have any tips for someone who wants to be an entrepreneur? Read a lot and ask questions!

Find more Start-ups made in Austria here