Verena Kuen

Verena Kuen is the founder of gobeyond Innovation. After 15 years as an executive in big corporations she decided to make her passion her profession and initiated an Innovation Program with her last employer Bayer Pharma AG which was one-of-a-kind within the whole organization and produced an impressive track record of innovation success stories. Verena is a manager by training and a trend-spotter by heart; she holds an MBA and speaks 5 languages. She is a world-traveler and enjoys working in diverse cultural environments. She is a people-person with an infectious enthusiasm who genuinely loves her job. Besides running her own business she teaches innovation methodologies with the Institute for Entrepreneurship & Innovation at University of Economics in Vienna, Austria and design thinking at Columbia University, NYC. Verena loves Bikram Yoga and spending time with her family. She is a passionate cook and foodie.